CTF Round 3 -- Posted by The_Heretic on Friday, September 8 2006 |
Round 3 was played on Wednesday night on the Kubra Dam map. Jungle Wraiths was the opponent and a fine tatical struggle ensued. The *AUS* forces started as MEC in the first round and was USMC in the second. It was commented that the map is a little one sided in access to the flag (US flag being easier), but you play both sides. People lost count how many times flags were taken and recovered. And I can only imagine the intensity in game. But the over all result was 2 flags each at the end of the match. On a countback of player/team scores (IE:kill points) *AUS* was declared the winner, having a "kill" score over 900 and 'Wraiths' having a "kill" score in the 800's. Well played Jungle Wraiths, we look forward to the next one.
In Further news Game Arena has anounced the resumption of the GA ladder for BF2 starting 9pm Sunday the 10th of September. |
CTF round 2. -- Posted by The_Heretic on Friday, September 1 2006 |
On Wednesday the 30th of August, we played our second ladder match in the capture the flag format, on the XGN ladder. And I must say it was one of the most testing matches we've had in a while. CTF is played on a 30 minute time limit, with flags captured as the score line. In the first round we played the USMC team on the map Gulf of Oman. And we were fighting hard right from the start with a quick exploritory attack by AFO to test out our defences, which stood up well, but in the first round we lost 2 flags and couldn't get any for ourselves and so ended the round 0 - 2. In the second round we fought back and forced AFO to extend their defences beyond the flag zone and Ugg took our first flag of the match. Which forced a tough struggle for the rest of the round in which we capped 4 flags all up, however AFO gained 3 flags in that round for a total of 5, so we went down 5 - 4. The game was played in great spirit and I speak for all of the *AUS* members when I say well done AFO, can't wait for the next one  |