I know this has been a long time coming but I've been saving my news up for a really big report and this is it people. In a month since the last news report (hence "Weekly News"), we've rejoined the Gamearena Ladder, and we've joined the Oceanic League tourny as well as continuiing the odd friendly match here and there.
First of all I believe I should mention that this division of *AUS* has now won 2 DOTMs (division of the month) awards in a row from out of the 4 successful *AUS* divisions we have. Congratulations to our guys, we've put in a lot of team effort to improve ourselves and become worthy of recognition within our own community as well as the entire Battlefield 1942 community.
In matches... Our first match of this last month (16/3/03) was a friendly against B.I.A on Midway and after 3 rounds we won 524-58 in what was a major confidence booster as we again successfully utilised both our Army and Marines together with support from the Airforce.
In our second friendly match (29/3/03) against 101st we can claim victory but won't as they didn't show up and it was only a friendly match not a ladder match. But we could have used the practise eh? ..... No not really considering our next batch of results...
The third match, (30/3/03) our first match back into the Gamearena ladder against CCT (Combat Control Team) proved to be another win as CCT stood us up (second time a team had done that to us in two days), however we recieved the points as they forfeited due to lack of players. It was an anti climactic weekend really, we were expecting two big matches and we had prepared ourselves well and gave ourselves every chance of winning, only to win anyway without playing. Bit disapointing I'm sure everyone in this clan agrees?
The fourth match, against IB (3/4/03) and our first of the Oceanic League tourny proved to be a washout with the server screwing up, and although I couldn't play, I hear if the server had been good to play properly on then we would have been winning even if we weren't playing at our best - probably due to a bad turnout of players (t'was a Thursday night).
Number 5, our 'second' Gamearena ladder match against CS (Cawzah Shitah) was earlier tonight (7/4/03) on Stalingrad. Over the course of 4 rounds, *AUS* never lost control and we comfortably won each round methodically with a final result of 319-0. There was a slight hiccup in the first or second round with a CS member claiming we had 14 people on the ground even after a few of us counted and saw only 12 (which is normal). The ref apparently took a screenshot and this should come up in our favour and the result will go through as our victory.
Well done guys, we're improving more and more each match.
New members... We've had a decent sized influx of new trial members who as far as I can see have proven themselves they can be part of this clan, lets welcome:
DeadManWalking, Joined: 18/03/03
Antsman, Joined: 22/03/03
ITPIG, Joined: 29/03/03
Deathmonger, Joined: 30/03/03
Bellor, Joined: 31/03/03
Also should mention the arrival of Pir8 who originally played for tAg but has decided to come play for us and he's already proving a valuable player/officer and he's generally a good guy to talk to on ICQ and in the forums, good work fella. And Stiiixy reckons he's come out of retirement to play for us again, here is his 'unretirement speech':
"Ok. Stiiixy wants back in. So gimme. "

Do I need to mention Desert Combat .3?
NO, everybody knows about it!
Remember if anyone in the clan, or the public for that matter would like news to be known and published on the website, then it is necessary to contact me by ICQ (170559067), and I will make it happen. -ST |