It is with a heavy heart that I start this news post.
In the early days of October *AUS* lost one of it's brothers. Templepilots*AUS* passed away on the 5th October 2010. Although he was not a current member of *AUS* at the time of his passing, he was one of the most memorable. He spent a good few years serving in the ranks of *AUS* which saw him rise up from being a noob, to playing a big role in our 16v16 flag ship "Heavy Weapons Team" and also helping out as a mentor and 2IC of our training and development team playing in the Cyber Gamer Ladders. Templepilots will be greatly missed by the *AUS* part of his family and the wider gaming community. Rest In Peace mate. You will be missed!
Now for the ladder news.
Over the period of October & November *AUS* has again seen a great influx of online gamers wishing to be apart of *AUS*. A total of 10 actually. Not all have made it in to the ranks, however a fair few have shown their skills to the clan members and listened to the old timers blab on, taking it all in and proved their have what it takes to be apart of this successful clan. We always have the door open, and to quote of one of the greatest songs of all time.. "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!"
BC2: Another two months have passed and to much of the community members and the old timers here at *AUS*, yes Bad Company 2 is still alive and kicking. I think I can say this on behalf of most people that it will never reach the pinnacle that Battlefield 2 did, however it is here to stay that little bit longer. A huge total of 15 competitive matches were played over the last two months of BC2. With a Win:loss ratio of 9:4 (2 draws) over three ladders. A huge congrats goes to all the players, well done. Some very hard fought matches were played where the guys really dug deep. The recent win's have seen our CyberGamer team, which was and will still be, the "nooblet" team, climb to a very impressive 10th on the ladder. Many thanks to our #1 scrim partner rV. too for their continued support with many scrims being organised with late notice!
Map pack 7 has arrived with some positive feedback. Larger maps and more vehicles are present, which gives us hope that EA/Dice are listening to what we want and will hopefully improve on this again when Battlefield 3 arrives. Also on the horizon is Bad Company 2:Vietnam, which will also breath a bit more life in to this game.
By Dward
October and November were quite busy for the 'not so serious' BF2 6v6 GA team. After the re-opening of the BF2 ladder by GA and the milestone 100th regular season match, *AUS* played 6 games in these 2 months with an even 3-3 win loss record. One of the objectives for this new ladder was to play as many custom maps as possible and we managed to play 5 matches on brand new maps.
We started out on the very hectic inf only Oil Platform map against Flank and Shank and put in sometime pre match to make sure we weren't running into each other. This practice was obvious 2 minutes into round 1 with a cap out and a team ticket loss of about 5. We went on to record a huge win 302-0 in a about 9 minutes total. In a very un *AUS* like run we then unfortunately fell victim to 3 straight losses to evil fun, S2 and mimix. The only real chance we had was against S2 on another new map, Goods Station which went the full 20 minutes in round 1. Round 2 *AUS* came back from an early cap out with only 3 troops left to recap and fight on. S2 had us surrounded and with a team as experienced as these guys you can't give them an inch. VyperAus and Whitey had the squad leader rotations pumping and they took the match 28-88. Evil Fun on Yellow Dragon was a white wash 0-239 after a solid roll out and unfortunately mimix had better skills on the good old Gulf of Oman 0-241.
3 losses left a bitter taste in our mouths and with revenge tasting so sweet *AUS* re-challenged S2 and they accepted with both teams having their first look at Vulcan Island. Always a team you love to beat but a team who demands respect, S2, came out as ferocious as ever. Flags swapped quicker than power tools at a sunday market and there were never many tickets seperating either team. There was even more teeth gritting throught the match and again the teams saw round 1 time out. Round 2 saw *AUS* close to its most attacking and regaining some form lost in the last few matches to eventually cap S2 out and win 146-39. Kudos goes out to PinkFloyd who with cunning and forward thinking drew S2 into a trap at our main and resulted in them committing a squad leader to certain death. The last match for the BF2 team in this news report saw Team Dedicated Soldiers, a new franchise, also accept Vulcan Island and give *AUS* the chance to really test themselves against what appeared to be a better skilled team on paper.
The match started bad for *AUS* with an early flag loss seeing us back at our main with not much hope. Squad leaders got out, capped flags but they were dropping just as fast. Then.....the unimaginable.....our last flag GREY! 5 of us alive but with little hope it looked like round 1 was done. 3 of us fought hard to keep that grey flag but with Armour and what felt like 3 squads against us we just couldn't hold it. NO FLAGS. ONLY 2 troops alive and this is another 'Barra' moment that will be remembered and talked about for a long long time but didn't included Barra this time. BloodRaven and Spooky were doing their sneaky panda thing trying to get behind enemy lines and do some damage. They both managed to get on flags but with only 1 troop those flags take ages to cap. TDS were fast after them and after some resistance both men capped their objectives, pulled *AUS* from the jaws of death and inspired us all to victory. We all spawned and with fire in our bellies not only took that round by around 100 tickets we continued the trend and won round 2 by a little more. This saw *AUS* storm to a very unlikely 206-0 win and shoot us into finals contention. Yep another finals campaign for the BF2 team. Watch this space!
Alot of stories will stem from this busy 2 months in the BF2 ladder and most of them will revolve around the things we all love about *AUS*
Mates, Teamwork, Commitment and FUN.
By Jaydageezer